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Notice of Property Owners Association Annual Meeting

March 11, 2024/

Notice of Annual Property Owners Association Meeting Elections, Meetings March 11, 2024 FRIENDLY REMINDER:  The annual meeting of the Maumelle Valley Estates Property Owners Association will be held Tuesday, March 12th, at the Jess Odom Community Center (1100 Edgewood Drive, Maumelle) beginning at 6:30PM. This meeting was originally announced in the Dues Notices sent in January 2024, via a postcard sent in February 2024, and via signage in the neighborhood.  Board positions 5, 6, & 7 will be open for election during the meeting. Nominations have been received, and will also be taken from the floor at the Annual POA meeting (if any). We look forward to meeting with you. Lawrence CheathamSecretary/WebmasterMaumelle Valley Estates POA Board of Directors

Community Update from Daniel J. Wilkinson, POA President

January 14, 2024/

Community Update from Daniel J. Wilkinson, POA President Community, Meetings, Notices January 14, 2024 Dear Friends,  The POA Board and volunteers have been working hard over the past few months to take care of some projects that needed taken care of in your community. Some of those projects are the large walking bridge on Mountain Valley Drive, which has been stabilized, and the embankment has been rocked. The gazebo has been patched and painted. The new playground will be in place by summer for the children’s use.  I want to thank the contractors for their hard work, and the volunteers for their truly dedicated work. A special thanks to Brandon Bailes and Terry Shaw for their help on the four gate houses, as well as Christmas decorations. I must not forget Ashley Johnston, Kelly Romer, and Brooke Brola for installing swags on the entrance signs. Our community looked great this holiday season.  Your board is holding the line on dues for 2024 even though we have some costly projects ahead. Dues and projects will be discussed at our Annual Community Meeting on March 12, 2024 at 6:30PM. The meeting will be held at Odom Community Center. Please mark your calendars.  On a more serious note, you should be made aware that past due accounts for your POA dues have reached close to $35,000. Approximately 110 residents are delinquent to date. I am reaching out to those with outstanding balances to balance their accounts.  We do have a vacancy on the POA Board,…

Winter Storm Warning

January 14, 2024/

Winter Storm Warning Community, Events, Notices January 14, 2024  As you are no doubt aware, much of Arkansas will be under a WIND CHILL ADVISORY (now in effect) and a WINTER STORM WARNING (from Noon Sunday until 6PM Tuesday) for the next several days. Heavy snow accumulation is expected, along with wind chills potentially 20 degrees below zero. Hazardous travel conditions are also anticipated, and potential damage to property is certainly also a possibility. To help you prepare for the upcoming severe conditions, and to ensure your home is protected, we have listed a few considerations from Central Arkansas Water: Specifically, (1) ensure exterior faucets are drained and covered, (2) drip hot and/or cold water from your indoor faucets, (3) open the cabinet doors below your sinks to allow warm air to circulate to your plumbing, and (4) as much as possible, eliminate drafts into your home and insulate exposed pipes. While the referenced list is by no means an exhaustive one, we hope you find it helpful as you prepare to brace for the winter weather. Additionally, do your best to limit travel when possible, ensure you have adequate food, water, and other supplies in place, wear appropriate attire when venturing outdoors, and most importantly, stay safe!   Lawrence CheathamSecretary/WebmasterMaumelle Valley Estates POA Board of Directors

Recent Community Improvements… and More to Come!

June 8, 2023/

Recent Community Improvements… and more to come! Community, Notices June 8, 2023 The new board of directors, confirmed during our most recent annual POA meeting, has been busy working on several projects to clean up, repair, and maintain several areas in our community!  We are happy to report that the playground equipment behind Sierra Valley Loop was successfully dismantled and removed at the end of last month, and planning is underway to revitalize the area appropriately. More news to come on that! The wooden bridge near Prairie Lane, which was missing wooden slats, has been repaired by our newly elected board President, Daniel Wilkinson. Thank you Dan! Lastly, we continue to cut down and remove brush, debris, and dead trees on the trails as they are brought to our attention.  In addition to the improvements referenced above, the newly assembled Architectural Control Committee has been actively reviewing and approving (if applicable) POA members’ property construction and modification plans. At this time, the committee has responded to all known pending requests, and will continue to provide timely responses. We know there is much more work to be done, and we appreciate your continued patience as we facilitate future improvements within our community.  Lawrence CheathamSecretary/WebmasterMaumelle Valley Estates POA Board of Directors

Notice of Property Owners Association Annual Meeting

April 22, 2023/

Notice of Property Owners Association Annual Meeting Meetings April 22, 2023 The annual meeting of the Maumelle Valley Estates Property Owners Association will be held Tuesday, May 2nd, at the Jess Odom Community Center (1100 Edgewood Drive, Maumelle) beginning at 6:00pm. Board Positions 1 & 2 will be open for election during the meeting. There have currently been 3 nominations, and additional nomination to serve will be taken from the floor. If you have comments or questions, please come to the meeting. The Board looks forward to updating you on what is and has been going on within the POA for the past year. Lawrence CheathamSecretary/WebmasterMaumelle Valley Estates POA Board of Directors

Absentee Online Voting for 2022 POA Board Positions NOW OPEN

February 16, 2022/

Absentee Online Voting for 2022 POA Board Positions NOW OPEN Community, Elections, Meetings February 16, 2022 POA Board elections for Director Positions 3 & 4 will be held at the Annual Meeting of the Maumelle Valley Estates Property Owners Association on Tuesday, March 8th, 6:00pm at the Jess Odom Community Center. Those elected to these positions will serve a term of 3 years.  Nominations for these positions concluded February 11th.  Two individuals submitted interest in running for one of the two available POA Board positions.  Those two candidates can be seen below. If you are unable to attend the Annual POA meeting on March 8th, you may submit an online absentee vote until 11:59pm on March 5th.  Per your POA Bylaws, each property owner is entitled to one vote per lot/property.  Joint or co-owners of a lot/property may only cast one vote for that property.  Owners of multiple lots/homes in MVE are allowed to cast one vote for each of those properties. If you cast your vote for a candidate online, and then are in attendance at the Annual POA Meeting, you will be ineligible to cast an in-person vote at the meeting. Additional nominations of candidates can be taken at the Annual POA Meeting on March 8th, however, those candidates are limited to receiving in-person votes at the meeting by those who have not previously voted online, and obviously do not appear on the online absentee voting ballot. Candidate Profiles: Lawrence Cheatham107 Keystone Lane My family and I are relatively new…

Absentee Online Voting for POA Board Positions NOW OPEN

April 29, 2021/

Absentee Online Voting for POA Board Positions – NOW OPEN Community, Elections, Meetings April 29, 2021 POA Board elections for Director Positions 5, 6 & 7 will be held at the Annual Meeting of the Maumelle Valley Estates Property Owners Association on Monday, May 10th, 6:00pm at the Jess Odom Community Center. Those elected to these positions will serve a term of 3 years.  Nominations for these positions concluded April 23rd.  Three individuals submitted interest in running for one of the three available POA Board positions.  Those three candidates can be seen below. If you are unable to attend the Annual POA meeting on May 10th, you may submit an online absentee vote until midnight on May 8th.  Per your POA Bylaws, each property owner is entitled to one vote per lot/property.  Joint or co-owners of a lot/property may only cast one vote for that property.  Owners of multiple lots/homes in MVE are allowed to cast one vote for each of those properties. Additional nominations of candidates can be taken at the Annual POA Meeting on May 10th, however, those candidates are limited to receiving in-person votes at the meeting and obviously do not appear on the online absentee voting ballot. Candidate Profiles:   Ashley Johnston140 Beaver Creek Lane My name is Ashley Johnston and I have lived in Maumelle with my husband, Chris, and 2 boys, Grayson (14) and Cohen (10) for 17 years. They both attend Academics Plus Charter School here in Maumelle.  I have been in outside sales selling…

Notice of Property Owners Association Annual Meeting

April 20, 2021/

Notice of Annual Property Owners Association Meeting Community, Elections, Meetings April 20, 2021 The annual meeting of the Maumelle Valley Estates Property Owners Association will be held Monday, May 10th, at the Jess Odom Community Center (1100 Edgewood Drive, Maumelle) beginning at 6:00pm. Board Positions 5, 6 & 7 will be open for election during the meeting. If you wish to be considered or have someone to nominate, please email that person’s name (or your own name), the nominee’s home address and a one-paragraph bio to: [email protected] by April 23rd.  (You may also use the form at the bottom of this article.) Nominations will also be taken from the floor at the Annual POA Meeting. Proxy voting instructions will be sent via email prior to the Annual POA Meeting, however, if you choose to vote by proxy (electronically), you will not have the ability to vote for any individuals nominated from the floor at the meeting. Lawrence CheathamSecretary/WebmasterMaumelle Valley Estates POA Board of Directors

Notices Sent to Homeowners About Outbuilding Violations

April 6, 2021/

Notice Sent to Homeowner’s About Outbuilding Violations Community, Notices, Violations April 6, 2021 Outbuildings (aka Storage Buildings or Pool Houses) are prohibited in Maumelle Valley Estates as set forth in the Maumelle Valley Estates Bill of Assurance.  Recently, the President of the Board received complaints from homeowners about the construction of these in some back yards.  While many homeowners may believe this ok, the fact of the matter is storage buildings are prohibited (unless constructed to match the home with the same materials).  Regardless of how long it has been there or how long a homeowner has went without repercussions, when a complaint is launched, the Board cannot turn a blind eye.  If the Board does not take the necessary steps to enforce the rules, there might as well not be any. If you don’t address it, you bless it. The Board cannot change the guidelines set forth in the Bill of Assurance whether they agree with them personally or not.  It is the Board’s responsibility to ensure compliance with the Bill of Assurance. Below you will find the text of letters sent this week to known violators. Dear __________, It has recently been brought to our attention that an outbuilding has been constructed on your (address) property. Outbuildings are specifically not permitted in Maumelle Valley Estates. Outbuildings must be of the same building material and basic design as the primary dwelling and are subject to the review and approval of the Architectural Control Committee. Below are the sections from your property’s…